Bridging the Gaps in Maternal Heart Health during pregnancy

The George Institute for Global Health, Taskforce on Women and NCDs, American Heart Association


Bridging the Gaps in Maternal Heart Health during pregnancy

Cardiovascular complications, including those in women who enter pregnancy with existing heart disease and/or hypertension, and women who develop new cardiovascular complications during or after pregnancy, are responsible for many maternal deaths around the world. The George Institute for Global Health, India, under the Taskforce on Women and NCDs, conducted a scoping review funded by the American Heart Association. The aim was to identify existing policies and guidelines focusing on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in pregnant women, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). The review revealed a lack of comprehensive policies available on CVD in pregnancy, with only 17 guidelines published since 2011, primarily by international societies and some LMIC health ministries and professional organizations. Learn more about the findings of the scoping review and solutions to overcome barriers in the implementation of existing guidelines by watching the webinar chaired by Dr Mychelle Farmer, with other esteemed speakers – accessible on demand here.