Informed Decision-making on Engaging with Private Sector Entities for the Prevention and Control of NCDs

Following a Member States’ request at the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly, the GCM/NCD is working to provide and update guidance on the engagement with non-State actors, including on the prevention and management of potential risks. A novel tool will support Member-States in their decision-making on the engagement with private sector entities for the prevention and control of NCDs.

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Meaningful and effective private sector collaboration to improve health impacts

Meaningful and effective collaborations with private sector entities have the potential to spark partnerships that improve health impact. Countries are recommended to strengthen their capacity for multisectoral and multistakeholder collaborations at national and subnational levels and identify complementary opportunities with non-State actors to accelerate national NCD response.

When leveraging the expertise and resources with non-State actors including the private sector, it is paramount to manage risks, including conflicts of interest, and develop risk mitigation strategies. This ensures that such engagements directly contribute to the implementation of the NCD agenda. Yet many countries have only limited capacity and experience in establishing cross-sectoral partnerships and managing their complex risks and requirements.

WHO is working to provide guidance on how to harness complementary efforts from private sector entities to achieve SDG 3.4, while giving due regard to managing risks, including conflicts of interests.


Supporting Member States in reaching informed decision-making on engaging with private sector entities for theprevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. Apractical tool

This Decision-making tool promotes a principles-based approach in engagements with private sector entities so that credibility, integrity and sound government processes are ensured and protected. This is intended to safeguard public health and its beneficiaries from any unintended adverse social, economic and environmental impacts arising from business practices, products or services.

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A practical decision-making tool for private sector engagement and risk management

The tool aims to support informed decision-making of Member States in their assessment and analysis of critical elements of private sector engagement and in leveraging additional resources and expertise for improved NCD outcomes at country level. This includes guidance on conducting due diligence, risk assessment and management.

The decision-making tool is primarily geared at policymakers and officials from ministries of health and subnational governments. In addition, it may offer practical insights to other governmental sectors, such as economy, finance, trade, agriculture, education, particularly when seeking policy coherence and a “whole-of-government” response to address NCD prevention and control.

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The GCM/NCD Secretariat is happy to provide further information on the work around the tool to support Member-States in their decision-making on the engagement with private sector entities for the prevention and control of NCDs.


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