Second General Meeting of the WHO GCM/NCD

The Second General Meeting of the Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs (GCM/NCD) will convene Civil Society Actors and partners to put forward recommendations on accelerating multisectoral and multistakeholder responses to NCDs and mental health conditions. The event marks one of several major milestones on the road to 2025 and the Fourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on NCDs (HLM4).

Registrations are open to Member State representatives and GCM Participant organizations. If your organization has not yet formally re-enrolled as a GCM Participant, we encourage you to submit the GCM application form or contact the Secretariat

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Three-day virtual meeting & pre-meeting events

The Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD will be held virtually from 23 to 25 April 2025, with pre-meeting events and consultation sessions taking place the week prior:

Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD
  • Wed 23 April 2025, 12:00-14:30 CET
    Building on Progress: GCM/NCD impact and new challenges
  • Thu 24 April 2025, 12:00-15:00 CET
    Empowering people and communities: Lived Experience and grassroots Innovations
  • Fri 25 April 2025, 13:00-15:00 CET
    HLM4 and beyond: Sustaining multisectoral and multi-stakeholder actions on NCDs
Pre-meeting events

Registrations are open to Member State representatives and GCM Participant organizations. If your organization has not yet formally re-enrolled as a GCM Participant, we encourage you to submit the GCM application form or contact the Secretariat.

Coordinating a coherent response to reduce the burden of NCDs and mental health conditions

Since 2014, the World Health Organization’s Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs (WHO GCM/NCD) supports the implementation of the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2030, and the NCD-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and targets by facilitating multisectoral and multistakeholder collaborations at local, national, regional and global levels. A Member-State led platform, the GCM/NCD connects and convenes Member States, UN Organizations, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, philanthropic foundations, people with lived experience of health conditions, academic institutions and other partners for a coordinated, effective and equitable NCD response. In 2018, the GCM/NCD held its First General Meeting.

In direct support of the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (UNHLM-NCD) preparatory process, the WHO GCM/NCD gathers insights and expertise from GCM Participants through a series of co-developed thematic issue briefs under the joint leadership of the Secretariat and selected GCM Participants.

More about the GCM/NCD

On the road to 2025: The global NCD deadline

The Fourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (UNHLM-NCD) will provide an opportunity to adopt a new, ambitious and achievable political declaration on NCDs towards 2050, based on evidence and grounded in human rights, that will serve as an important framework to accelerate the global NCD response for prevention and control from 2025.

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Building on the First General Meeting of theWHO GCM/NCDO

From 5–6 November 2018, the first General Meeting of the GCM/NCD was held in Geneva, Switzerland, to reinforce the commitment of the participants to accelerated multisectoral and multistakeholder action to achieve SDG target 3.4. Nearly 290 attendees took part, including 140 representatives from 81 Member States, and 125 more joining via live webcast.

Taking stock of key themes of the gathering and reflecting on recent progress and challenges, the Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD will mark a next milestone in multistakeholder exchange and multisectorall action.

Download the meeting report

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Is your organization and international player advocating and raising awareness on NCDs? Are you advancing multisectoral action, work with people and communities living with NCD and mental health conditions, or disseminating knowledge and information to beat NCDS?

Then we would like to hear from you.

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