NCD Alliance
NCD Alliance Priorities for the Modalities Resolution for the 2025 UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs
Strategy document
06 Feb 2025
World Health Organization, GCM/NCD Secretariat
24 Nov 2023
The WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of NCDs (GCM/NCD) was established in 2014 by Member States at the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly after a two-year intergovernmental process. The GCM/NCD is led by Member States with the engagement of other collaborating partners (i.e.,GCM Participants) including United Nations funds, programmes and organizations, other relevant intergovernmental actors, through the United Nations Interagency Task Force on NCDs, and non-State actors, as appropriate. Its unique mandate rests primarily in its engagement capacity to leverage and unite the comparativestrengths of its partners in advancing coherent and effective measures for the prevention and control of NCDs.
This engagement strategy outlines the approach that will guide the GCM/NCD’s engagement with its Participants. The strategy builds on the lessons learned since the launch of the GCM/NCD in its continuous efforts to engage with the growing scope of Participants and ultimately addresses one of the recommendations of the GCM/NCD's evaluation. The emphasis of this strategy is on leveraging efforts, expertise, and resources to enhance collaboration with and amongst GCM Participants.