Meet the GCM Participants. Join the network.

Participants of the Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs unite their knowledge, experience and resources to advance coherent and effective measures for the prevention and control of NCDs. Discover how WHO Member States, UN Agencies, and Non-State Actors together create a comparative advantage to tackle NCDs, and join the GCM’s growing global network of Participants and partners.

Join the GCM

Joining forces for a comparative advantage in NCD prevention and control

GCM/NCD Participants contribute to and benefit from:

  • A WHO-led platform to engage with Member States, UN entities, and fellow GCM Participants to advance coherent NCD response efforts.
  • A globally active NCD network jointly strategizing, knowledge-sharing, and co-designing multisectoral and multistakeholder action
  • An interface to connect with, convene and amplify the voices of a diverse group of stakeholders and individuals with lived experiences
  • Priority access to dedicated tools, online communities, knowledge resources, thematic publications, and special events
  • Mutual learning and skill transfer, access to WHO technical norms and standards, expertise, and further networks.

Meet the GCM Participants

42 Participants
  • Alzheimer's Disease International

  • Associacao de Diabetes Juvenil

  • Association Santé Diabète

  • Caring & Living As Neighbours

  • Centre for Chronic Disease Control

  • Cochrane Collaboration

  • Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)

  • Global Alliance for Tobacco Control

  • Global Medical Device Nomenclature Agency

  • Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Institute

  • Health Action International

  • Healthy Caribbean Coalition


Take your initiative to the next level. Join the GCM/NCD.

Is your organization and international actor advocating and raising awareness on NCDs? Are you advancing multisectoral action, working with people and communities living with NCD and mental health conditions, or disseminating knowledge and information to tackle NCDs?

Get in touch and join the GCM/NCD