Second General Meeting of the WHO GCM/NCD

The Second General Meeting of the Global Coordination Mechanism onNCDs (GCM/NCD) will convene Civil Society Actors and partners to putforward recommendations on accelerating multisectoral andmultistakeholder responses to NCDs and mental health conditions. Theevent marks one of several major milestones on the road to 2025 and theFourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly onNCDs (HLM4).

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A coordinated and coherent response toreduce the burden of NCDs and mental healthconditions

The Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs (GCM/NCD) connects and convenesMember States, United Nations (UN) organizations/agencies, nongovernmentalorganizations, private sector associations, philanthropic foundations, people withlived experience, academic institutions, and other partners. Together, they supportcountries in achieving effective, coherent and inclusive policies, programmes, andservices to reduce the preventable and avoidable burden of NCDs and mentalhealth conditions.

As part of the preparatory process for the Fourth High-level Meeting of the UnitedNations General Assembly on NCDs (HLM4), GCM Participants will work on strategicrecommendations on multisectoral and multistakeholder engagement for ancoherent, effective and equitable global health response.

The Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD will take place in December 2024.

More about the GCM/NCDPreparatory

On the road to 2025: The global NCD deadline

The Fourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on thePrevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (UNHLM-NCD) willprovide an opportunity to adopt a new, ambitious and achievable politicaldeclaration on NCDs towards 2050, based on evidence and grounded in humanrights, that will serve as an important framework to accelerate the global NCDresponse for prevention and control from 2025.

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Building on the First General Meeting of theWHO GCM/NCDO

NCDOn 5–6 November 2018, the first General Meeting of the GCM/NCD was held inGeneva, Switzerland, to reinforce the commitment of the participants toaccelerated multisectoral and multistakeholder action to achieve SDG target 3.4.Nearly 290 attendees took part, including 140 representatives from 81 MemberStates, and 125 more joining via live webcast.

Taking stock of key themes of the gathering and reflecting on recent progress andchallenges, the Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD will mark a next milestonein multistakeholder exchange and multisectorall action.

Download the meeting report

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