WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
Atlas of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (2021)
11 Mar 2025
23 Oct 2023
<p>The WHO Project on Improving the Quality of Hospital Care to Reduce Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths and Accelerate the Achievement of the SDG Health Targets aims to institutionalize and scale up the quality-of-care improvement mechanisms to reduce maternal, neonatal and childhood mortality and morbidity. The Project targets four countries: Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Viet Nam. In three of the four countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Viet Nam), the project also includes an NCD and mental health component that focuses on integrating interventions targeting these conditions into existing maternal, newborn and child health services, to improve health before and during pregnancy, as well as future parents’ infant and young child care practices.</p>
<p>This report is part of the above-mentioned Project NCD Component and covers the baseline situation analysis that was conducted to identify opportunities and challenges for integrating NCD prevention, diagnosis and treatment into maternal, newborn and child health care.</p>