Basic occupational safety and health for respiratory diseases: A desk guide for health facilities

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

09 Sep 2024

Basic occupational safety and health for respiratory diseases: A desk guide for health facilities

The first edition of Basic occupational safety and health for respiratory diseases: A desk guide for health facilities outlines a comprehensive approach to respiratory health, which health facilities can adapt and implement in resource-limited settings. 

The topics that are covered include definitions of occupational safety, basics of respiratory micro-organisms and how they are transmitted, basics of infection prevention and control, and management and monitoring of respiratory conditions among health care workers. Its development was supported by a review committee that consisted of Union members with interest and expertise in this subject matter and made possible with support from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Supporting materials:

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidelines

The Union has produced a series of visual and written guidelines about using IPC measures correctly.