FIP STATEMENT OF POLICY - The role of the pharmacist in establishing a future free from tobacco and nicotine dependence

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

18 Sep 2024

FIP STATEMENT OF POLICY - The role of the pharmacist in establishing a future free from tobacco and nicotine dependence

Pharmacists have a crucial role to play in tobacco and nicotine use cessation in order to reduce the heavy burden of non-communicable diseases. This policy statement, adopted by the FIP Council in September 2024, makes recommendations for pharmacists, pharmaceutical organisations, pharmacy educators, governments, policy makers, regulatory agencies and healthcare funders to facilitate and support roles for the pharmacy profession in supporting the cessation of tobacco and nicotine use. It updates the 2003 FIP policy statement and builds on a joint statement by FIP and the World Health Organization which was adopted in May 2024.

Through the updated policy statement, FIP urges pharmaceutical organisations to actively support tobacco cessation services in pharmacies by developing guidelines and implementation tools. Pharmacists should take a more active role preventing people from ever starting tobacco use and are encouraged to utilise digital technologies to increase the uptake of effective cessation treatments, the federation says. Educational institutions should incorporate knowledge on tobacco use prevention and cessation into their curricula and competency frameworks, while governments and policymakers are called on ensure remuneration for cessation services.