World Health Organization, World Bank Group
Financing for NCDs and Mental Health: Making the money work better
14 Feb 2025
WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
12 Nov 2018
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which include cardiovascular diseases (CVDs ), cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease, are the leading cause of death in the South East Asian Region (SEAR) accounting for an estimated 8.5 million deaths each year. Prevention and control of NCDs require a set of actions. Clinical interventions for those at risk of NCDs and for people living with NCDs is an important and critical part of the national NCD response. The clinical interventions required for NCDs are complex, based on management of chronic diseases over time.There is a heavy reliance on a well-functioning health system. Progressive steps are required to address the systemic challenges at the primary health care services. Health care systems in Member States in SEAR are not adequately organized to manage the NCD burden resulting from the demographic and epidemiological transition. The presence of lifelong chronic disease and longterm comorbidities requires not just a rethinking of service delivery but also reorientation of the entire health system building blocks.