WHO / Uka Borregaard
Country Stories

Supporting the National Tobacco Prevention and Control Programme: work of the National Tobacco Control Coordination Committee - WHO Compendium Report on Multisectoral Action


World Health Organization | 27 May 2024

The Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) formed the multisectoral National Tobacco Control Coordination Committee in 2015, which includes all relevant government sectors, civil society, academia and the private sector, such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute. The objective of the Coordinating Committee is to coordinate implementation of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), and strengthen tobacco control collaborative activities among government institutions, partners and stakeholders. In 2017, the EFDA in collaboration with the Coordination Committee and other sectors developed the National Tobacco Prevention and Control Programme (NTPCP) to integrate tobacco control efforts across all stakeholders. High-level leadership from the Ministry of Health and the EFDA has supported the Coordination Committee in implementing the NTPCP. Evidence-based policy advocacy, media campaigns and enlistment of tobacco control champions have helped promote multisectoral actions within the NTPCP, which have helped advance tobacco control in the country, including adoption of a strong tobacco control law in 2019 that complies with the WHO FCTC, and implementation of tobacco control packages such as graphic health warnings and smoke-free environments. Empowering non-health sectors, such as the Ministry of Finance, is crucial for strengthening multisectoral action and ensuring a strong response to tobacco industry interference. Some gaps exist that require policy measures, including on illicit trade, and the development of instruments (e.g. tracking systems for tobacco products) to eliminate illicit tobacco products. Greater and sustained government funding for the NTPCP is needed.

This country story is a brief excerpt taken from the detailed country case study in the WHO Compendium report on multisectoral actions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions. Read the full report or access the country story via below link.