WHO / Blink Media - Etinosa Yvonne
Country Stories

National Multi-Sectoral Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases - WHO Compendium Report on Multisectoral Action


World Health Organization | 30 May 2024

The National Multi-Sectoral Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NMSAP) 2019–2025 was developed to tackle the growing burden of noncommunicable disease (NCDs) in Nigeria. The principles of collaboration and multisectoral action underpinned its development and implementation, and involved 13 health and non-health ministries, each with assigned activities aligned with their mandates. The government established a three-tiered multisectoral coordination mechanism to support implementation of the NMSAP: (i) NCD National Governing Council composed of ministers of relevant sectors and responsible for policy direction; (ii) NCD Expert Technical Working Group composed of academics and researchers and responsible for implementation of the NMSAP and setting priority interventions for NCDs; and (iii) four subcommittees of the Technical Working Group with representation from government and nongovernment sectors, and health and non-health sectors, and responsible for operationalizing interventions on NCD. Networking opportunities are promoted through formal meetings and members of the Working Group are involved in co-designing NCD-related policies and guidelines in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health, while the subcommittees co-develop activity plans on NCD programme implementation and research. Donor funding has supported activities within the NMSAP such as in-person meetings. Positive outcomes include engagement of stakeholders in the health and non-health sectors, increased understanding of non-health stakeholders about the relevance of their organizations’ mandate to the NCD response, and increased donor interest, partnerships and investments. Multisectoral collaborations for NCD prevention and control must ensure commitment of leadership, the development of clear financing plans, and implementation of capacity-building and a reward system.


This country story is a brief excerpt taken from the detailed country case study in the WHO Compendium report on multisectoral actions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions. Read the full report or access the country story via below link.