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Country Stories

Strengthening diabetes care in Malawi through P2P Academy initiative


World Diabetes Foundation | 13 Sep 2023

In August 2023, three dedicated healthcare professionals from Malawi, Lucia Mbulaje, Falieth Chilonga, and Racheal Nyirenda, participated in an enriching training program funded by WDF and hosted by Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialist Centre.

The initiative was part of the WDF's Partner 2 Partner (P2P) Academy, aimed at building diabetes capacity and care with our partners. It is done through piloting innovative small-scale projects, networking and short-term training of healthcare providers at selected diabetes experts around the world.

The Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) staff first identified the need for such intensive training.

Dr Kelvin Mponda, QECH's Director, Dr Tamara Phiri and Dr Melanie Moyo recommended the P2P Academy programme and supported the nurses' application. ‘Facilitating this training demonstrates the medicine department's leadership's commitment to advancing the care of diabetes patients at QECH’, says Dr Mponda. ‘This innovation is appreciated, and we encourage Lucia, Falieth and Racheal to continue and yearn for the best for our patients’.

Dr Mohan, the chairman of Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialist Centre, welcomed the nurses to the facility in India, dedicating his time to teaching and supporting them. ‘[The nurses] were very interested and diligently spent their time at our centre’, adds Dr Mohan. ‘We do hope we will have more opportunities to collaborate with Malawi’.

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