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People Power series: Exclusion and the importance of involving groups that are marginalized – Matt Jackman, Australia


World Health Organization | 13 Apr 2023

After experiencing major clinical depression and anxiety disorders throughout their upbringing as a result of family and childhood abuse, neglect and abandonment, Matt was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 2016. The onset of a stressful work environment and ongoing bullying led to their first serious episode and hospitalization. They have struggled with eating issues and recurrent suicidal episodes throughout their life. Matt has a family history of mental distress, with both their mother and two younger siblings also experiencing periods of unusual beliefs and suicidal thoughts. They believe that this history of mental distress is representative of the social and systemic trauma they and their family have experienced.

Through Matt, we learn how social structures and trauma can lead to mental health challenges and deepen the experience of marginalization.

This article is an excerpt from the publication ‘People power - Perspectives from individuals with lived experience of noncommunicable diseases, mental health conditions and neurological conditions’, which includes six detailed case studies from 12 individuals with lived experience of diverse health conditions.

The case studies were developed using participatory research through focus groups with people with lived experience of NCDs, mental health conditions and neurological conditions.