United Nations
Note by the Secretary-General: Progress on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and the promotion of mental health and well-being
28 Feb 2025
CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours)
31 Jan 2024
In February 2022, the @MATES4Kids movement - a coalition of like-minded organisations and individuals committed to collaborative action aimed at identifying, implementing, and monitoring practical solutions to reduce the preventable mortality associated with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) - prepared a briefing paper for WHO outlining the ambitious goals and three objectives proposed to support efforts to achieve the SDGs.
The briefing paper combines expertise, insights, data and examples from around the world to paint a detailed picture of the current circumstances and challenges facing the international CAH Community and outlines a path forward for change. This paper highlights the potential for collaborative and strategic action to identify critical, practical and scalable actions to redress inequities and optimise health outcomes by improving affordable access to essential medicines and equipment; strengthening CAH Communities; and scaling Newborn Screening (NBS), so that #EVERYchild living with CAH around the world might survive and thrive.