Multisectoral Actions on NCDs

What are we talking about? Our community language.

31 Oct, 2019 - 01 Nov, 2019
What are we talking about? Our community language.

The re-launch of our global community provides a unique opportunity to re-establish and expand consensus language that is integral to support effective communication and collaborations in a virtual environment that crosses many traditional borders.  As we welcome new and existing members to the conversation, our first community conversation will propose and invite dialogue around definitions of Multisectoral; Multi-stakeholder; and Inter-sectoral. We will also discuss key concepts: multi-level action; conflicts of interest; feedback loops; collaboration v synergy v partnerships v cooperation; SDGs as a MSA tool/resource.  Outcome: A document that reflects discussion; consensus; and conflicts will be produced and shared will all community members as well as the WHO GCM/NCD.