Women and NCDs

WD2023 Session: Feminist solutions to addressing gender inequities in NCD prevention and control

19 Jul, 2023
WD2023 Session: Feminist solutions to addressing gender inequities in NCD prevention and control

Wednesday 19 July 10:45-12:00 (KIGALI) 

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – such as heart disease, diabetes, cancers, respiratory disease, and mental health conditions – represent 74% of all global deaths. Two out of three women die from an NCD, accounting for 19 million deaths every year, most of which occur in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Gender is among the major social and structural drivers of inequity that arise from and are exacerbated by NCDs and associated risk factors. Taking a gender lens is therefore critical in ensuring equitable responses to the global challenge of NCDs accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This virtual concurrent session at Women Deliver 2023, co-hosted by the World Health Organization and The George Institute for Global Health will include a multistakeholder and cross-generational panel of subject matter experts, high level leaders, grassroots innovators, researchers and advocates. Panelists will highlight how gender impacts NCD risk, access to care and health outcomes, and also describe how feminist solutions to addressing NCDs can reduce discrimination, empower generational changemakers and realize global commitments to reduce deaths from NCDs. 

The session will promote a call-to-action highlighting the gendered barriers to access for NCD prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and care. The call-to-action builds on four main pillars: the scale-up of grassroots innovations creating equitable solutions; the integration of NCD services, including digital health solutions, into primary health care; support for the full, meaningful, and active participation of women and girls in health-related decisions; and strengthening the evidence base on sex differences and gender inequities.

The WD2023 Virtual Conference is still open and accepting registrations. Use code 50FLASHSALEWD2023 for a discounted registration fee of just $50.