Tracking NCD funding flows: Urgent calls and global solutions

NCD Alliance, Global Alliance for Tobacco Control

08 Jul 2024

Tracking NCD funding flows: Urgent calls and global solutions

The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Common Reporting Standard (CRS) database recently introduced source codes for funding being channelled into alcohol prevention and tobacco control within NCD policies and services.

The present report analyses the OECD’s DAC CRS data to specifically highlight the breakdown of the 2018- 2021 aid flow types going towards NCD policies and services, as well as the risk factors of tobacco and alcohol. The report also analyses the breakdown of development assistance going to NCDs as well as DAH going towards NCD policies and services in relation to other global health priorities. In addition, this report will also elaborate on case studies and recommendations to improve integrated international investment for NCDs in time for the Second Dialogue on Sustainable Financing for NCDs and Mental Health (June 2024).