World Obesity Day 2025: Campaign Toolkit
03 Mar 2025
Union for International Cancer Control
05 Apr 2022
There are many health system drivers that influence a country’s ability to implement an effective strategy for reducing cervical cancer incidence. Financing, in particular, is a major contributor to how well – or how poorly – a national program performs.
To understand better how financing impacts cervical cancer programmes, UICC engaged ThinkWell to conduct reviews of cervical cancer financing in four countries being supported to intensify cervical cancer elimination efforts under the Scale-Up Cervical Cancer Elimination with Secondary prevention Strategy (SUCCESS) project: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, and the Philippines.
This work builds on a seminal report titled “Global action on financing cervical cancer elimination” conducted in 2021 by the Economist Intelligence Unit also commissioned by the SUCCESS project.