@MATES4Kids – Maximising Access To Essential Supplies for Children living with NCDs

@MATES4Kids Session at the UNGA78 Science Summit

13 Sep, 2023
@MATES4Kids Session at the UNGA78 Science Summit

Rodolfo Rey, CEDIE (Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Kate Armstrong, CLAN (Caring & Living As Neighbours), Sydney, Australia and Jean-Pierre Chanoine, GPED (Global Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes), Vancouver, Canada invite you to attend a session they are organizing on behalf of @MATES4Kids during the Science Summit at United Nations General Assembly (https://sciencesummitunga.com/ ). The event will be held on Wednesday 13th September, 6.00-8.30 PM (New York time) titled "Innovative approaches in achieving sustainable access to healthcare for pediatric non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in resource limited environments."

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