The WHO Framework for Meaningful Engagement of People Living with NCDs and Mental Health and Neurological Conditions (hereby referred to as “The Framework”) is a WHO technical product designed to provide practical guidance, norms, and standards to support WHO and Member States advancing, co-creating, and enhancing policies, programmes, and services through the meaningful engagement of individuals with lived experience of these health conditions.
WHO has defined meaningful engagement as the respectful, dignified, equitable inclusion of individuals with lived experience in a range of processes and activities within an enabling environment where power is transferred to people; valuing lived experience as a form of expertise and applying it to improve health outcomes. The Framework outlines a set of underlying principles and enablers that have been identified as essential to support the transition from intention to action in operationalizing meaningful engagement. The process to develop the Framework was co-created by people with lived experience from all WHO geographic regions with representatives across WHO, Member States, and various non-state actors.
The launch of the WHO Framework for Meaningful Engagement for People Living with NCDs and Mental Health and Neurological Conditions will be led by individuals with lived experience who have contributed to the co-creation process to share their insights, experiences and expertise. This will be accompanied by insights from WHO, Member States and other non-State actors.
Please complete the registration form here.
For questions, please get in touch with the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs at and/or Jack Fisher, Technical Officer, at