World Obesity Day 2025: Campaign Toolkit
03 Mar 2025
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
21 Jan 2022
The Global Strategy for Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD is a non-biased review of the current evidence for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of COPD that can aid the practicing clinician faced with managing this chronic disease. Since the creation of the first GOLD report, the burden of chronic respiratory diseases is generally increasing worldwide, with COPD among the main causes of mortality and morbidity. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) works with healthcare professionals and public health officials around the world to raise awareness of COPD and to improve prevention and treatment of this lung disease. Through the development of evidence-based strategy documents for management of both COPD, and events such as the annual World COPD Day and the yearly GOLD International COPD Conference, GOLD is working to improve the lives of people with COPD in every corner of the globe.