GCM/NCD Issue Briefs Consultations. Multisectoral and multistakeholder action on NCDs.

World Health Organization

16 Apr, 2025
GCM/NCD Issue Briefs Consultations. Multisectoral and multistakeholder action on NCDs.
About the consultation sessions

In direct support of Fourth High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNHLM4) preparatory process and using an inclusive consultative process, GCM Participant organizations and the Secretariat of the GCM/NCD have co-created three draft issue briefs on multisectoral and multistakeholder action. The briefs will be presented at the the Second General Meeting of the GCM/NCD on 23-25 April and inform advocacy and engagement efforts toward UNLM4. 

For GCM Participant organizations and interested Member States, two pre-meeting consultative sessions on 16 April will facilitate detailed technical review and final discussions of the issue briefs. Two accommodate participants from all time zones, the consultation will be held twice: 

  • Session 1: 09:00-11:30 CET, GCM Issue Brief Consultation 1 
  • Session 2: 15:30-17:00 CET, GCM Issue Brief Consultation 2

Draft issue briefs will be shared with participants from 7 April 2025 onward.

Issue brief topics

The draft issue briefs were co-developed by The George Institute for Global Health, NCD Alliance, the World Obesity Federation and the Secretariat of the GCM/NCD, with direct inputs other GCM Participant organizations trough an inclusive consultation process. The issue briefs represent the GCM/NCD’s vision on how to support and accelerate effective and equitable NCD policies and programmes through a whole-of-government and whole-of society approach.

  • Brief 1: Institutionalizing multisectoral action for sustainable collaboration for NCDs: Strengthening government capacity in and beyond the health sector
  • Brief 2: Advancing data-driven, evidence-informed multisectoral action: The role of multistakeholder data sharing and knowledge collaboration
  • Brief 3: Advocating for government-wide multisectoral leadership for a coherent NCD response: Building narratives on the role and responsibilities of government sectors and stakeholders beyond health
Eligibility criteria & meeting registration 

This pre-Second General meeting consultation is open to members of GCM Participant organizations, Member State representatives, and lived experience experts. Upon registration, the Secretariat will screen and confirm participants on an ongoing basis and request declaration of interest forms where necessary. 

Registrations close on 14 April 2025.