Confronting the Investment Gap in Non-Communicable Disease Treatment and Care

Union for International Cancer Control

19 Sep 2018

Confronting the Investment Gap in Non-Communicable Disease Treatment and Care

This report aims to provide an analysis of the gap in investment in NCD treatment and care in low- and middle-income countries. We identify major factors driving the gap and hindering investment, suggest potential solutions to increase the flow of new and sustainable funding to the sector, and provide recommendations for specific actions to be taken by the global community to drive increased financing for NCD treatment and care.

This report finds that return-seeking investors offer a critical new stream of funding for NCD treatment and care, but new approaches and partnerships will be required to structure current health programs and priorities into “investable opportunities” and mitigate the risk/return profiles of investments in healthcare providers that reach target populations. Overcoming the barriers to private investment – through mechanisms that will drive solutions for all patients, especially those from low-income households – will be critical to unlocking a fresh flow of capital.