World Health Organization
Mid-term Evaluation of the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases: report
23 Jan 2025
WHO Civil Society Working Group
22 Jun 2020
The COVID - 19 pandemic has exposed health system gaps and vulnerabilities across the world and ha s demonstrated more than ever the need for resilient health systems, especially ones that are equipped to respond to the growing burden of non - communicable diseases (NCDs) and mental disorders . As budgets are reallocated and ministry of health staff are re assigned to respond to the crisis, attention to NCDs and other chronic conditions (including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care) has largely fallen off the radar - in particular for hypertension and cardiovascular emergencies, cancer , diabetes, respiratory diseases, obesity, mental disorders and neurological health conditions including dementia. Due to the COVID - 19 outbreak, people of all ages, who are living with NCDs, are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill and/or dying from CO VID - 19 or from a lack of health care service delivery for their untreated NCDs. It is therefore crucial that we “build back better” health systems and minimize disruption s to lifesaving prevention, diagnosis and care for those living with NCDs.