International Agency for Research on Cancer

04 Mar 2025


Breast self-examination (BSE) is a routine examination that should be carried out at the same time each month to physically check for any lumps or other changes. It entails two important components, i.e. looking and feeling. With this method, women should learn what is normal for them, so that they can recognise any changes immediately.
Though scientists have concluded that breast self examination is not an effective method of reducing mortality from breast cancer and the vast majority of changes found during breast self-examination are not cancerous, in many countries it may be the only alternative and women should be encouraged to be aware of what is normal breast and recognize changes in their breast, size, shape, skin and nipples as soon as possible by self-examination once in a month or two basis. Most of the breast lumps are detected when women take bath.
W.H.O says that National Cancer Control programmes should not recommend mass screening by breast self-examination and physical examinations of the breast. Rather, programmes should encourage breast awareness and early diagnosis of breast cancer, especially for women aged 40-69 years attending primary health care centres or hospitals for other reasons, by offering them clinical breast examinations.