Pediatric Blood & Cancer
The Lived Experience of Childhood Cancer Survivors and Their Parents: A Multi-National Study of Access to Survivorship Care and Information and Support Needs HQ Cancer Team
18 Feb 2025
The Young Leaders in Diabetes (YLD) are individuals between 15 and 30 years old who complete a year-long training held in ADJ Diabetes Brasil, since 2009. In addition to 6 months of practical and theoretical training, the YLD write, implement, and analyze the outcomes of a project. Most of the projects focus on diabetes education and awareness.
Among the outcomes, the training has an immediate impact in terms of better and sustained individual glycemic levels and in the develpment of changemakers for the communities where they live, in addition to several outstanding projects that they develop.
Additional resources:
The Empowerment Ladder: Understanding transition across leadership stages in individuals with type 1 diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases (
Are diabetes camps effective? (