Addressing noncommunicable diseases in emergencies: a regional framework for action

WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

11 Mar 2024

Addressing noncommunicable diseases in emergencies: a regional framework for action

The Eastern Mediterranean Region faces numerous emergencies due to natural and human-made hazards. These emergencies disrupt health systems, increasing morbidity and mortality from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).


The framework aims to integrate NCD management into emergency preparedness and response plans. It emphasizes maintaining continuity of care and medications, and addressing acute complications


The framework outlines five key strategic and operational levers, to be considered in 3 phases (risk reduction/preparation phase, response phase, recovery phase)

  • Leadership, coordination, and advocacy
  • Resource mobilization and financing
  • Continuity of health services
  • Information, data, research, and digital health
  • Community engagement and trust building