"4.M. - Pitch presentations: Food, nutrition and diet The European FOOD programme (Fighting Obesity through Offer and Demand) Nolwenn Bertrand - Belgium Eating habits trajectories of students using university canteens Valentina Lorenzoni - Italy Energy drink consumption pattern among university students in North East England Shelina Visram - United Kingdom Health impact of substituting red meat by fish: addressing variability in risk-benefit assessments Sofie Theresa Thomsen - Denmark Macro- and micro-nutrient intake among Hungarian general and Roma adults Erand Llanaj - Hungary Taste and food preferences of the Hungarian Roma population Judit Diószegi - Hungary A multicentre study of street foods purchased in urban areas of Central Asia: the FEEDCities Project Sofia Sousa - Portugal Could chips and nuts be vector of food-borne outbreaks during happy hour? Francesco Gori - Italy" Find out more here.