WHO © Uka Borregaard
Country Stories

Collaborating mechanisms promoting health and preventing noncommunicable diseases: the Finnish experience - WHO Compendium Report on Multisectoral Action


World Health Organization | 27 May 2024

The Advisory Board for Public Health supports the implementation of multisectoral measures to develop well-being, health and safety in different sectors of society, including outside the health care and social welfare sector. The members of the Advisory Board come from various administrative branches representing different ministries, regional state administrative agencies, towns and cities, nongovernmental organizations, universities, and research and development institutions. The tasks of the Advisory Board are to: (i) monitor the development of well-being, health and safety and the implementation of health and social policy; (ii) develop national health and social policy; (iii) strengthen funding for the well-being approach; and (iv) collaborate with different administrative branches, nongovernmental organizations and other parties in promoting well-being, health and safety. In addition to the Advisory Board for Public Health, Finland has two additional multisectoral structures to promote health and prevent noncommunicable diseases (NCDs): the National Nutrition Council and the Coordination Body for Physical Activity and Sport. Furthermore, the NCD Expert Network promotes collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, nongovernmental organizations and research institutions in the area of NCDs and mental health.

This country story is a brief excerpt taken from the detailed country case study in the WHO Compendium report on multisectoral actions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions. Read the full report or access the country story via below link.