Liver Cancer Can't Wait - Saving lives from liver cancer by eliminating hepatitis

World Hepatitis Alliance

04 Apr 2024

Liver Cancer Can't Wait - Saving lives from liver cancer by eliminating hepatitis

Viral hepatitis infection is the most common cause of liver cancer. Chronic viral hepatitis can lead to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which accounts for 80% of all liver cancer cases and is the third most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Despite this, nearly half (42%) of people globally are not aware that one of the leading causes of liver cancer is viral hepatitis - according to research by the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA).

To support advocates in their work to improve understanding of the links between hepatitis and liver cancer, WHA has developed an advocacy briefing. It outlines the key facts about the connection between viral hepatitis and liver cancer and calls for greater action.