World Obesity Day 2025: Campaign Toolkit
03 Mar 2025
Thalassaemia International Federation
07 Apr 2024
Nutrition holds a significant position in the lives of individuals afflicted with thalassaemia and other hereditary anaemias.
As part of its enduring commitment to generating guidelines and educational materials for healthcare professionals, TIF is honored to unveil its most recent publication, the ‘Nutrition Guidelines in Thalassemia & PKD‘, explicitly crafted to cater to the distinct nutritional requirements of those living with these disorders.
This resource, spanning an impressive 184 pages, brings together the expertise of renowned global experts in the field. From haematologists and dieticians to patients, everyone can benefit from the critical review of existing knowledge found within these pages.
Written by esteemed professionals such as Dr. Ellen B. Fung, PhD, RD, CCD, Associate Research Scientist at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, US, Mrs. Tamara Schryver, PhD, RD, Nutrition Scientist & President of Thrive with Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Nonprofit Organization, and a team of specialists led by Dr. Michael Angastiniotis, this outstanding guide is a must-have for anyone seeking evidence-based insights into nutrition.
With its easy-to-read format and evidence-based approach, the Nutrition Guide empowers you to take control of your health and well-being.