
Welcome to the global community of practice on Women & NCDs, hosted on the Knowledge Action Portal on NCDs.

Noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions are among the the leading causes of mortality and morbidity for women across income-settings globally. To address this shift in the global burden of disease, gender equity and equality, health literacy development, and a life-course approach addressing womenʼs and girlsʼ health and well-being from birth to death as interconnected periods are fundamental instruments.

The Community on Women and NCDs is a digital home to a global network of people and organizations promoting health equity, gender equality, and evidence-based, scalable best practices in implementing a life-course approach to women’s health and NCDs. The community hosts thematic resources, publications, global events, and community discussion on the role of gender in the determinants and impacts of NCDs; the links between NCDs and gender inequalities and how they reinforce each other; and on how to integrate NCD prevention and treatment into the management of other health conditions.

Are you an expert in the fields of womenʼs health and sex and gender differences in health, an advocate for gender equity, or interested to learn more about the topic? Join this global community of practice.

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