Country Stories

Community-based mental health care in Peru


UNICEF | 11 Nov 2022

At age 14, Andre* (name changed) considers himself open-minded and able to adapt to new circumstances. About two years ago, however, his mother, Roxana, received a distressed phone call from Andre’s school.

“He was under a desk, crying, and saying that he didn’t want to keep living,” Roxana said.

Roxana knew her son needed help. But she and Andre live in the northern outskirts of Lima, where they share a small room in an aunt’s house. The hospitals and private clinics were too far away – or too expensive. However, a visit to a local health centre provided them with public health insurance and a referral to the Community Mental Health Centre in Carabayllo, a 10-minute bus ride from their home.

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This and other stories like theirs feature in the State of the World’s Children report 2021 - On My Mind: Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health.